“The Captive Advantage gives us a way to manifest our own destiny. As members, we work together to make sure we’re sharing risk in a very well-calculated, well-supported way that’s based on best practices. The result is that risk turns into returns —and each year our collective savings gets returned to the member agencies.”
Paul L. Dann, PhD, President & CEO

“I am happy to highly recommend The Captive Advantage for very cost-effective Human Services insurance and superb risk management support. In addition to significant cost savings, TCA fosters a powerful collaborative approach for organizations in our industry to learn and develop best practices from each other.”
Eric Meyer, LCSW, MBA, President & CEO

“The Captive Advantage works with us — and they’re extremely collaborative and knowledgeable. Being a Captive member not only saves us a considerable amount of money, but we also get a ton of valuable support from them.”
Kurt Isaacson, MBA, President & CEO

“Ultimately, the folks at TCA are our advocates, our frontline to dealing with what otherwise is a very costly, cumbersome, regulated, and nuanced element of our business —and they do a very, very good job with that.”
Amale Neary, MBA, Chief Financial Officer

“The Captive Advantage clearly reflects the advantage it brings to its member organizations. As a member, High Point collaborates with other organizations in sharing best practices to reduce risk and ultimately insurance claims. Doing so enables us to mutually share in the rewards of lower insurance costs.”
Daniel S. Mumbauer, President & CEO

“Despite doing this work for over 20 years, the information/guidance from a loss exposure perspective was highly informative, insightful and provided another layer of quality assurance that I will incorporate into how I operate programs that will only improve the efficacy of the services we are providing to our clients.”
Amy Lefebvre, MEd, Assistant Executive Director